We are indebted to Phil Grover, & his grandfather Harry F. White, for access to the following photos. Harry is among just a handful of early photographers who grew up in the North Fork Valley.  His father, Charles White moved the family over from Aspen after the Silver Market crash of 1893.  Charles was a carpenter, & contributed much to the building of the Gould Reservoir siphon pipe system.

No notes were left with Harry’s original photos.  Nola & Danny Cotten as well as Chuck Farmer helped with the captions.

Phil digitally restored these photos from the original dry glass plates.  More information can be found in his book: Harry White’s Photographs – Images from His Life – The North Fork Valley in the Early 20th Century.

Click the photos for descriptions & further information.

Curious to hear from the generation that built this reservoir?

The oral histories below are recordings of Bill Ayer & Mammie Ferrier. Various topics are discussed – skip through to hear them all.



This next section of photos currently lack captions. We will do our best to reference these in due time.